日本に住所を持っていないお客様へ( Those who do not have an address in Japan.)
日本に住所を持っていない場合、会員特典を日本国内に配送することは出来ず、日本国内対象のPretty Guardiansにはご登録いただくことはできません。
その際、今までPretty Guardiansに会員番号をお持ちの場合、新しく海外サイトにて会員番号が発行され、新規会員登録扱いとなります。
If you don’t have Japanese address, you are unable to register on the website Pretty Guardians for Japanese, because we cannot send the benefits of members to your Japanese address without your address in Japan.
Please register on the website Pretty Guardians for overseas, if you want the benefits/goods be sent to outside of Japan.
New membership number is provided as a new membership if you register on the website Pretty Guardians for overseas, even if you have already have a membership number of the website Pretty Guardians for Japanese.
We would treat you as a new membership on the website Pretty Guardians for Japanese, in case you request us to send the benefits of members to Japan for the future even having your address in a foreign country.